The Morris Mantel

Please contact us to check availability of this item

Please email or phone 0161 248 6782 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.

Price Variations

  • White & Pine : £990
  • Mahogany : £1035
  • Oak : £1085
  • Walnut : £1395

Dimensions in millimetres

Overall Width: 62mm
Overall Height: 54.25 mm
Opening Width: 37 mm
Opening Height: 37 mm
The Morris Mantel
The Morris Mantel

The Morris Mantel

The Morris Mantel is faithful to an original Arts & Crafts design. Available with or without tulip cut outs in most hardwoods or pine. This design is exclusive to Wisdom Fireplaces.

Price for size indicated. Can also be made to measure.

Original Copper Insert pictured is sold. Please enquire as to the availability of other originals.

Materials: Wood

Style : :Arts and Crafts

Reference: Morris

Wisdom Fireplaces